You can download the lectures here (in PDF format). I will try to upload lectures prior to their corresponding classes.
🆕 For students who have signed up to take notes, please use this LaTeX template in overleaf for the notes(zip version also available here. You can either edit in overleaf or download MikTeX and TeXStudio on your computer. I recommend the latter. Please make sure you edit what is needed in main.tex and session.tex. Please remove any image/codefile/… you are not using. When you are done, please share your notes through an overleaf project, or send me a zipped version of the TeX files along with the PDF.
Notes collected so far can be found here (last update: 4/30/2021)
Lecture 28 - Coping with NP-Completeness - Independent Set in Tree + Backtracking + LocalSearch
Note Taker: ملیکا احمدی رنجبر
Lecture 12 - Suffix Trees, Pattern matching and BW Trasnform
Note Taker: متین مرجانی
[ext slides] [video] -
Lecture 6 - Negative Cycles - Bidirectional Dijkstra
tl;dr: We first found the negative cycle in a simple example, using the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Next, we wrote the pseudocode for it. Next, we explained how we can find all nodes reachable through a negative cycle (infinite arbitrage). Finally, we developed the bidirectional dijkstra algorithm.
Note Taker: ملیکا نوبختیان
Lecture 5 - Graph - Shortest Paths BellmanFord and Negative Cycles
tl;dr: We analyzed the computational complexity of Dijkstra, Bellmanford, proved their correctness and finally explained how we can find negative cycles.
Note Taker: یاسمن لطف اللهی
Lecture 4 - Graph - Shortest Paths Dijstra and BellmanFord
tl;dr: We developed the Dikjstra and Bellmanford algorithms.
Note Taker: پریسا علایی
Lecture 2 - Graph - Shortest Paths
tl;dr: We gave an overview of shortest path algorithms (BFS, Dijkstra, BiDirectional Dijkstra, A*). Then we explained the details of the BFS algorithms.
Note Taker: نگار زینالعابدین
Lecture 1 - Introduction
tl;dr: We went over changes to the course structure and reviewed the course syllabus.